Skills & Abilities

I am a full-stack web developer with over two years of experience as a freelancer. I developed the skill of building web application by learning the required programming languages, libraries and technologies with great interest using open sources and a full-stack web developer immersive boot camp.

You can view some of my works by visiting my portfolio page. I developed these applications from scratch, carrying the development of its back-end and front-end codebases.

My current toolset includes NodeJS runtime and ExpressJS & Django Frameworks, React, Redux, and various libraries and technologies related to them.

Feel free to ask me any questions.

Call me a Swiss Army Knife in terms of web development.

Front-end Web development

I built websites as soon as I learned the basics of front-end by creating static web pages where I used HTML and CSS in the begining. I introduced JavaScript for making it a bit interesting and user-interactive. After learning JavaScript and jQuery library, I successfully developed interactive websites that access data from public API libraries to process and display.

As a result of my interest and after learning the basics, I found myself as an addict to the art and engineering of web development and kept my pace of learning different technologies one after other.

It was one of the happiest moments when I was able to use the technology React as the front-end framework in one of the projects that I finished. Recently I became also a huge fan of one-way data flow and Redux-like architecture and also typed languages, e.g. TypeScript.

Back-end Web development

In back-end development, my current stack involves NodeJS, ExpressJS, and Django. I found it really interesting when I was able to use npm to install dependencies that are required in building the applications along with server side code base.

What I can do:

  • cooperation with APIs
  • Remote data synchronizations
  • Improve SEO with Open Graph meta tags
  • Use of Google Analytics tools to better understand the end-users
  • using different types of databases (like PostgreSQL, MySQL)